Your Quickteller Checkout Code

Copy and paste the following code in the head tag of your html.
    <script id="qtScript" type="text/javascript" src="" 
		<script type="text/javascript">
		  document.onreadystatechange = function () {
		      if (document.readyState === "complete") {
		                  "clientId": "your-client-id",
		                  "paymentCode": "your-payment-code",
		                  "buttonSize": "small",
		                  "redirectUrl": "redirect-url",
		                  "amount": "amount",
		                  "customerId": "customer-id",
		                  "mobileNumber": "customer-mobile",
		                  "emailAddress": "customer-email"
		              }, "btn_div_mini", function () {//btn_div_mini is the id of your payment button
		                  //fn called before loading payment pop-up.

		              }, function (status) {
		                  //fn called just before closing payment pop-up.


Place the code for your button wherever you want the button to appear on your page.

    <!-- Add your QuickTeller Checkout Button Here (take note of the id) -->
    <p><div id="btn_div_mini"></div></p>